Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bios and ROM

Bios and ROM

Bios and rom
The BIOS is closely related to the ROM, because most of the BIOS contained in the computer hardware is stored in the ROM, both PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Flash ROM, or other types of ROM. However, after 1995, EEPROM and Flash Memory is more widely used than other types because the BIOS ROM contained in the two types of ROM is easily erased and inscribed again so that it opens the possibility of updating the BIOS. BIOS updates are often required by computer users for several reasons, among others:

1. To support the newer processors, for new computer users just replace the old processor with a new type of processor to get better performance.
2. To support the new devices are paired because the old BIOS not provide support for new types of devices.
3. The existence of an annoying bug in the old BIOS.
4. Or various other reasons.
The motherboard manufacturers often provide a new BIOS version to improve their products or to get rid of annoying bugs. The existence of the bugs in the BIOS usually only known after the BIOS was released. Therefore BIOS that had the bug needs to be updated with a newer BIOS version that is the issue of improvement from the old BIOS.
BIOS update process must be done carefully and cautiously. The update process is not right can lead to malfunction of the motherboard (motherboard died), because the firmware is used to aid the boot process (BIOS) does not work. The damage is not physical damage motherboard components, but the damage to the BIOS software (firmware) which is in EEPROM or Flash Memory.
Most BIOS at the moment, has a region (locations) in the EEPROM or Flash Memory Boot Block termed a deliberate 'protected' and can not be upgraded. When the computer is turned on, the Boot Block is always executed first. Code from the Boot Block will verify the BIOS to see if the BIOS in a normal condition or damaged. If the BIOS in the normal condition (not broken), the computer immediately execute the BIOS itself. Conversely, if the BIOS was damaged, the boot block will display a message on the screen for computer users to do programming (charging) the BIOS again by using the same BIOS version or the BIOS is updated with a better version. BIOS program that is used to update normally stored in the floppy disk, flash memory is stored inside the programmer and the BIOS image.

Function Prosesor , (CPU) | Type Prosesor | They form Prosesor

Prosesor (CPU)

Function Processor (CPU)
Processor is a function for processing data received from the input (input). He also described as the "brains" to the computer where each data going through the processor to produce output (output), which is fitting. Without the processor, the computer can not function, in accordance with another name namely Central Processing Unit or CPU summary.
For example, when you taip this blog address, then the processor will receive feedback and dealing with computer components such as RAM, hard disks, motherboards, and other components to produce the output / results you want. If the processor does not work, then the computer components are also not able to function.
They form Prosesor
In the first, installed in accordance rekabentuk processor slot. But now, all in accordance rekabentuk processor installed in socket. Generally, there are now two expenditures namely Intel and AMD processors. Rekabentuk luarannya almost the same, namely a square-shaped and have a lot of pins as connectors to the motherboard. There rekabentuk namely Intel's latest LGA775 socket that has no pins, otherwise the motherboard that has a pin-pin connector to be connected to the processor.
Processor Selection
If the impact of re-election to the tips motherboard, processor and socket type processors are the first things that need to be sure before buying the motherboard. In short, the processor is the most important components of a computer perkakasan before buying computer components to another. Need to be reminded, too, his habit perkakasan processor is the most expensive computer.
Processor Types:
- Pentium II
- Pentium III
- Pentium IV
- Pentium IV Celeron
- Pentium D
- Dual Core
- Core 2 Duo
- Core 2 Extreme
- Quad Core
- Sempron
- Athlon
- Athlon X2 AM2
- Phenom

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Knowing the IP address in the Address Yahoo Messenger

I had received many questions about how to see the IP of the person we chat on YM. Actually I was not really an expert in the world of chat in YM. but because of my curiosity, google even accompanied me to find the answer ...
After trying and practicing, it turns out we can know the IP address of the person we chat with a trick. That way is to use netstat feature in kompie your windows. Netstat is a Windows feature that can read / see the connections between network outage in the computer.
But HE is not a chat using P2P connection that in fact happened in short is a direct connection between 2 computers. YM using the server as a medium. So when we type in netstat, you will see the IP of the server YM, not the IP of the chatter that we are talking to.
But after learning the tricks, it all can be tricked. how to send files to chat our opponent.
Following steps:
1. Log in to YM
2. Invite anyone who wants to chat you know the ip addresses
3. Open cmd type netstat you ... then enter
4. There will be many processes visible
5. Send any file to the person you chat
6. When the process occurs, the cmd window, type netstat once again then enter
7. It will show an example like this IP: SYN_SENT
8. Well .. he was opposed to chat your ip address .. IP is 10,245,101,204
9. If not clear, you can use the command netstat-n, it will come out ip addresses and ports in numeric
YM uses port 5101 to send the file. The process of sending files of course occur in P2P, and with features of netstat, you will see the IP address that your opponent chat send a file ..

Nature Illusion Studio

Currently tenologi progress so sophisticated, spurred many people to compete to create the best .. Computer software also enliven competition in the technology world that ..
One of them is Nature Illusion Studio.
This software can make your photos into moving, for example obak sea, birds, and others. softwae even this can also add a beautiful voice on the image that we edit. What harm do we learn this software ..
To download still click here


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Linux Terminal Command Console

 Make friends who want to learn linux, would require the codes in termminal ... for it is just sharing my friends
Terminal linux

 Linux Terminal Command Console
$ grep "license" readme.txt      = mencari kata "license" dalam file readme.txt
$ df –h                                         = disk free
$ du -h --max-depth=100        = estimate file usage
$ du /media/data/ --max-depth=1 -B M | sort –g    = melihat penggunaan space pada folder
$ du -sh /media/data/               = melihat besaran (MB) folder
$ sudo fdisk -l                            = show partition table
$ free                                          = melihat free RAM
$ cat /etc/fstab                          = static file system information
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo                   = info cpu
$ cat /proc/meminfo                 = info memory
$ cat /proc/partitions                = info partition
$ cat /etc/rc.d/rc.s                     = startup
$ find / -name "namafile"         = search nama file
$ find /media/data/ -name "Thumbs.db" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -vr = menghapus hasil pencarian
$ find /home/user -size +30M     = mencari file dengan ukuran diatas 30M
$ alias lihat='ls -l'                       = memberikan alias perintah
$ cal 2010                                  = show calender
$ clear                                         = clear the terminal screen
$ sudo shutdown -h now           = menshutdown pc sekarang
$ sudo shutdown -h +2               = menshutdown pc
$ init 0                                           = halt
$ init 6                                         = reboot
$ init 2                                         =
$ top -d 2                                   = melihat proses shift+?
$ who                                        = Show who is logged on
$ w                                             = Show who is logged on and what they are doing
$ dmesg                                      = print message system
$ cfdisk                                       = tool tabel manipulator for linux
$ killall sshd                                = mengkill proses ssh
$ arp -ne                                     = cek arp tabel
$ pstree                                      = melihat proses secara pohon kebutuhan
$ lspci -v                                    = cek hardware via konsole
$ lshw -C processor                     = cek hardware processor
$ sudo pmi action sleep             = menjalankan fungsi sleep
$ sudo pmi action suspend     = menjalankan fungsi suspend
$ dig                       = dns lookup utility
$ cat /proc/net/arp                      = cek arp
$ sudo gedit /etc/fstab                 = file konfigurasi mount hardisk
$ scp test.log oniichan@     = transfer file via jaringan kedalam home direktori
$ iwlist eth1 scanning                    = scanning access point
$ sudo ifconfig eth1 hw ether 0013022e91c7    = mengganti mac address
$ sudo apt-get -d source avant-window-navigator-bzr = download paket only, not install
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg     = reconfigure ulang xserver
$ sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop     = mematikan service gdm stop
$ sudo iwconfig eth1 essid "pptik01"     = mendaftarkan name access point
$ sudo dhclient                                = auto dhcp
$ chown oniichan:oniichan /media/data     = mengubah owner folder
$ sudo adduser nama_user nama_group     = menambah user
$ usermod -G namagroup namauser     = memasukkan user ke group
$ cat /etc/group                             = cek group user
$ smbclient -U% -L localhost     = cek samba di local
$ cat /proc/version                        = cek version linux header
$ mtr     = gabungan ping dan traceroute
$ ls var/cache/apt/archives/       = data paket apt
$ ls /etc/rc2.d/     = list service
$ sudo update-rc.d -f rsync remove     = meremove service rsync
$ sudo update-rc.d rsync defaults     = mengadd service menjadi default service
$ ls -h                                         = list human readeable
$ sudo apt-get install -f               = fix dependency broken
$ cat /proc/acpi/acer/wireless     = melihat penggunaan button
$ sudo tail -f /var/log/cups/error_log     = melihat error pada service cups
$ lshal                                          = melihat hal daemon usb
$ sudo hald                                = mengaktifkan hald daemon
$ sudo /etc/init.d/dbus start     = service dbus daemon
$ nmap -sP     = checking ip up or not
$ watch lsusb                              = execute a program periodically
$ speaker-test 1.0.12                  = test sound
$ wget -O coffe_prince_16.avi  = download dan me-rename file
$ wget -c -t inf = download dengan opsi continous, try infinite jika gagal
$ wget -i download.txt            = download dengan opsi membaca url dari file download.txt
$ wget --limit-rate=10k         = download dengan opsi bandwith hanya 10 kilobytes/s
$ displayconfig-gtk                 = screen and grafik configurations
$ md5sum LinuxMint-5-Fluxbox.iso > md5sums    = creating md5sum dari file iso
$ md5sum -c md5sums           = checking md5sum dengan file iso
$ aplay -l                                    = playing file
$ lsb_release -a                         = cek ubuntu version
$ lpinfo -v                                 = cek printer
$ id                                              = Print user and group information for the specified USERNAME
$ ps ax | grep screenlets | awk '{print$1}' | xargs kill -9 = kill spesifik berdasarkan nama proses
$ file nama_file                             = Determine file type of FILEs
$ for i in {1..10}; do echo $i; done     = ngurut nomer
$ update-manager -d                  = Check if upgrading to the latest devel release is possible
$ cat /etc/passwd | grep 1000 | awk -F: '{ print $1 }' = menampilkan user dengan UID 1000
$ find debian/ -iname '*' -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum > md5sum = creating md5sum
$ espeak -s 80 "I love you"       = text to speech
$ apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop     = print policy settings
$ sudo ip route replace default nexthop via dev eth0 weight 3 nexthop dev eth1 weight 2  = load balancing
$ sudo Xorg -configure :1           = print konfigurasi xorg.conf
$ for FILE in cd*.bin ; do bchunk $FILE ${FILE%.*}.cue ${FILE%.*} ; done  = mengubah file bin menjadi cue
$ rm cd[1-5].@(bin|cue)                = menghapus secara spesifik
$ ls -l | awk '{print $8}'                    = print secara list index
$ split -b 200MB avatar.avi avatar.avi.     = split file into separate file
$ cat avatar.avi.* > avatar.avi     = merge into 1 file
$ sudo ifup eth0                           = Stop a network interface
$ sudo ifdown eth0                        = Start a network interface up
$ wc -ml /etc/apt/sources.list     = Print byte, word, and line counts
$ history                                       = Command History
$ netstat                                     = Networking information