Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bios and ROM

Bios and ROM

Bios and rom
The BIOS is closely related to the ROM, because most of the BIOS contained in the computer hardware is stored in the ROM, both PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Flash ROM, or other types of ROM. However, after 1995, EEPROM and Flash Memory is more widely used than other types because the BIOS ROM contained in the two types of ROM is easily erased and inscribed again so that it opens the possibility of updating the BIOS. BIOS updates are often required by computer users for several reasons, among others:

1. To support the newer processors, for new computer users just replace the old processor with a new type of processor to get better performance.
2. To support the new devices are paired because the old BIOS not provide support for new types of devices.
3. The existence of an annoying bug in the old BIOS.
4. Or various other reasons.
The motherboard manufacturers often provide a new BIOS version to improve their products or to get rid of annoying bugs. The existence of the bugs in the BIOS usually only known after the BIOS was released. Therefore BIOS that had the bug needs to be updated with a newer BIOS version that is the issue of improvement from the old BIOS.
BIOS update process must be done carefully and cautiously. The update process is not right can lead to malfunction of the motherboard (motherboard died), because the firmware is used to aid the boot process (BIOS) does not work. The damage is not physical damage motherboard components, but the damage to the BIOS software (firmware) which is in EEPROM or Flash Memory.
Most BIOS at the moment, has a region (locations) in the EEPROM or Flash Memory Boot Block termed a deliberate 'protected' and can not be upgraded. When the computer is turned on, the Boot Block is always executed first. Code from the Boot Block will verify the BIOS to see if the BIOS in a normal condition or damaged. If the BIOS in the normal condition (not broken), the computer immediately execute the BIOS itself. Conversely, if the BIOS was damaged, the boot block will display a message on the screen for computer users to do programming (charging) the BIOS again by using the same BIOS version or the BIOS is updated with a better version. BIOS program that is used to update normally stored in the floppy disk, flash memory is stored inside the programmer and the BIOS image.


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