Friday, April 8, 2011

Mandatory Use of State Document Format ODF

After all of the computers in government agencies migrate to Open Source completed in late 2011, the government also plans to migrate all important documents using the state-owned open document format (open document format / ODF).

"We chose to switch to open formats like ODF because no dependence with a vendor," said Ashwin Sasongko, DG Applications and Telematics Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (Communications and Informatics), on the sidelines of the event Indonesia Open Source Awards 2010 (IOSA) in Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta , On Wednesday (07/28/2010).

According to him, the current ODF format was adapted to the provisions of the Indonesian National Standards (SNI). "After SNI completed this year, next year (2011) we will begin to socialize. The whole country is an important document would we migrate to ODF," says Ashwin.

In addition to the important state documents, Kominfo also appealed to private companies that serve the public interest to switch to ODF format. This is for ease in opening access to public information without relying on one vendor.

(rou / RNS)

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